What is Creativity?

Imagination is “the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality,” according to the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. When dreaming, daydreaming, or any time you think of something a little differently from reality, you are using your imagination. What would this room look like in wine red instead of beige? How would my story change if I introduced a new person? What would happen to my choreography if I adjusted the tempo of the music? Imagination is part of your brain “muscle.” Just like other muscles, it will deteriorate without use and grow stronger when you exercise it. 

Where does imagination come from? It is something we are all born with. All you must do is pay attention to a small child to understand this. From imaginary friends and “make-believe” to the stories and pictures they create, children’s lives are suffused with innate imagination. Who doesn’t remember “seeing” things as a child that weren’t really there? Imagine, for example, a ham sandwich in a bagged lunch becomes a roast suckling pig with all the fixings during a game of King Arthur. Remember Hook with actor and comedian Robin Williams as the grown-up Peter Pan? During the feast scene, the Lost Boys easily saw a multitude of fantastic dishes in front of them. It wasn’t until adult Peter let go of reality that his imagination took over and he too was able to enjoy the spread.

Imagining an absurd picnic may seem pointless, but imagination is the jumping-off point for creativity and innovation.  

But what is creativity? Creativity is taking your imagination, something we all have, and developing something appealing or thought-provoking. According to the website, creativityatwork.com, “Creativity is characterised (sic) by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions.” 

Contrary to popular belief, creativity isn’t something you are either born with or not. Creativity is something you develop. We are all born with an imagination. For some, that imagination was nurtured. Others need to take the time now to cultivate their abilities. Sometimes you need help seeing the world in new ways, finding those patterns, making the connections, and generating solutions. 

Seeds of Imagination is all about helping provide tools for you to boost your creativity. Regardless of the form your creativity takes, Seeds of Imagination can help. The decks will help you learn to think differently and expand your perspective. 

Image taken by Christine Lafinhan